Hue University Delegation and Hue University of Law participated in the CCP_LAW program on Climate Change Policy and Law in India
Update day: 15-09-2023Under the Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE project, coordinated by Hue University, the CCP_LAW project focuses on climate change policy and law. The project's outcome is the development of a master's program on Climate Change Policy and Law, with training sessions to be held at participating universities, aiming for at least two courses scheduled for 2025. The project involves universities and research institutes from six countries, including Vietnam (with Hue University and Hanoi University of Law), Malaysia (International Islamic University and Universiti Utara Malaysia), Spain (University of Girona), India (Marwadi University and Symbiosis International University), the UK (Coventry University), and Greece (European Knowledge Consortium).
Dr. Do Thi Xuan Dung (Project Coordinator) with the project management team.
A delegation from Hue University and Hue University of Law (Vietnam) attended the annual conference from September 11th, 2023, to September 17th, 2023. The delegation included Dr. Do Thi Xuan Dung (Vice Rector of Hue University), Prof. Dr. Doan Duc Luong, Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Trinh, Dr. Le Thi Thao (University of Law), and Prof. Dr. Tran Anh Tuan (Faculty of Science). During the project conference, Dr. Do Xuan Dung (the project coordinator) presented the implementation results and future plans for discussion among the project members. In terms of expertise, members from the University of Law, the Faculty of Science, and Hue University participated in discussions about the proposed program, listened to speakers from relevant parties, and exchanged views on the program's significance and feasibility. Participating universities also presented their lectures.
The Hue University Law delegation interacts with Hanoi University of Law.
In addition to their work, the delegation had opportunities to exchange experiences with Hanoi University of Law, led by Prof. Dr. Vu Thi Lan Anh (Vice Rector), who headed their delegation. The delegation also visited and experienced the local culture and history, including landmarks like Aga Khan palace, temples in the area, and local cuisine in Pune city, Maharashtra, India.
After five days of productive work, the project team reached a consensus on the subjects included in the master's program. Responsibilities were assigned to project members to draft the syllabus and propose the necessary infrastructure for practical training in Climate Change Policy and Law (sponsored by the project) to be discussed at the upcoming conference in Malaysia.
Discussions among the delegations in the conference hall.